Tuesday, October 30, 2012

This post is not about the hurricane

Since we weathered Sandy just fine (no flooding, never lost power, but had the day off from work!) I'm going to skip all that. (But I hope everyone else is okay!)

Friday night we went line dancing with some of W's coworkers. We were all novices, as the picture below clearly shows.

 Since it was the weekend before Halloween, there were a few costumes sprinkled in with the cut offs, cowboy boots, and plaid.

Jasmine especially took line dancing very seriously.
It all got rather weird when people started dancing to "Call Me Maybe" and someone brought out a beach ball. Didn't stop W and I from checking out the array of cowboy hats they sold, though. Maybe next time!

Thursday, October 25, 2012

The last of the Reese's

At my old job, I always got hit by the munchies in the afternoon. (I can munch like nobody's business.) So my friend Marc, who always got hit by an afternoon slump around the same time, and I would walk down to a nearby convenience store and hit up their assortment of bin candy, soda, and other goodies. The clear winner of my affection were the Reese's (especially the holiday-shaped ones!), so when I got married and moved away, Marc got me three enormous bags of candy. One of which was entirely Reese's. Yesterday, I ate the last one. Now I'm left with this:

Here's hoping I have enough self-control to save this bag for trick-or-treaters. No guarantees :)

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

She sells seashells

This is what living by the ocean, having a lot of free time, and recently jumping on the Instagram train (took me long enough) produces:

The feeling is mutual, babe.